Curriculum Policies and Procedures
2024-2025 Curriculum Policies and Procedures Manual
Curriculum policies and procedures foster the development of courses and programs that:
provide educational experiences designed to facilitate the individual’s progress towards academic, career/employment and personal goals;
offer experiences, both inside and outside of the classroom, that allow students to acquire, develop and demonstrate growth in the core competencies of Critical Thinking, Communication, Quantitative Literacy, Global Awareness, and Information Literacy (College Learning Outcomes);
encourage the development of ideas and insights, and the acquisition of knowledge and skills that together result in an appreciation of cultural and global diversity and the ongoing pursuit of discovery and innovation;
respond to the changing educational, societal and technological needs of current and prospective students and community employers.
Board Policy 4.040.02 Curriculum Council
The Curriculum Council is the college organization charged with the responsibility for reviewing, evaluating, and refining new courses and curricula and recommending programs that merit adoption. Members representative of the college community will be appointed by the president or president’s designee to the Curriculum Council.

Meeting Schedule (Thursdays at 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm)

Voting members include fourteen faculty (two from each academic division, one from Counseling and one from the Library), nine administrative representatives and the student representative. The council also includes non-voting ex-officio members from various departments across the college. (Ex-Officio members attend meetings to contribute related expertise helpful to the Council. Ex-Officio members also are responsible for communicating related updates to applicable offices or staff.)
Course Outline Review
Course Outlines are the official course record for the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) and for the college. To ensure quality courses and to meet an ICCB requirement to have a systematic process for evaluating our instruction, we embedded a Course Outline review into our Plan Report for Learning Improvement. Each Course Outline will be reviewed at least one time in a 5-year period by following assessment schedules.
Curriculum Council Resources
For course and program development or revision follow the Curriculum Checklist.
Curriculum Originators and Deans discuss proposed curricular actions including the need for the course; the target start date; instructional support and facility or equipment needed, if applicable. Originators articulate actions on the Course Outline Form. Once completed, the form is shared and curricular actions are discussed with faculty from other impacted academic programs in addition to other academic support services across the college.
For additional support, contact Kris Cesario-Price, Sr. Curriculum Coordinator, at kcesarioprice@waubonsee.edu.
To get started with curriculum development, use the Course Outline Form.
For curriculum revision, use the current Course Outline in Curricunet.
Download the current outline form from CurricuNET
- Edit the current form to include your proposed changes using either Adobe DC or Save As a word document and update to include your proposed changes. Strikethrough current information and highlight new information.
The Course Outline documents the course and college learning outcomes, as well as the course title, semester hours, description, prerequisite, co-requisites, textbooks, assessment of student learning, and course topics. The Course Outline serves as the official college guide regarding course content.
Course and program development or revision follow guidelines for Academic Impact:
Courses and programs:
- are educationally sound and appropriate to be offered for community college students.
- do not unnecessarily duplicate existing courses or course content in other disciplines offered by the college.
- are compatible with Waubonsee's Mission statement and the college plan.
- consider implications for facilities and equipment, qualified staff, budget and other necessary resources.
- do not adversely impact other existing areas of the college.

Curriculum Council Bootcamp
The videos below provide all members of the college community with on overview of the important processes and procedures Waubonsee Curriculum Council follows. All information contained in the videos is also detailed in our curriculum council manual which can be found in the Curriculum Policies and Procedures link above.
How to Enter/Update Courses into CurricUNET PPT Instructions
How to Review CurricUNET Proposals PPT Instructions
How to Login/Change CurricUNET Password PPT Instructions