Outcomes Assessment is the process of gathering evidence of student learning, reviewing the evidence to determine if students are learning what they are expected to learn, and using this evidence to review and improve courses and programs. The mission of the Outcomes Advisory Council (OAC) is to guide and support Waubonsee’s outcomes assessment process both to continually improve teaching and learning and to help Waubonsee meet accreditation standards.
The primary goals of the OAC are to:
- Recommend and promote guidelines related to outcomes assessment at the college;
- Develop and communicate a culture of continuous improvement through teaching, learning, curriculum and instruction;
- Support and provide feedback on training for outcomes assessment activities;
- Provide input on the creation of an institutional outcomes assessment plan and encourage the use of high-impact institutional practices; and
- Review institutional outcomes assessment data, provide feedback and recommendations for communication and next steps related to the data.
OAC Members
Although OAC membership includes a minimum of two faculty members from each division, we welcome all interested faculty and staff.
Liaisons and Co-Leaders: | Marjie Schoolfield and Lilia Mendoza |
Academic Support: | Maribeth Brown and Michelle Lindquist |
Business, Technology and Workforce Education: | |
Faculty Development: | Tanya Watts, Jennifer Howard, Carrie Needham, and Ryan Maloney |
Health Professions and Public Service: | Katherine Hodur, Tracy Limbrunner and Mike Moran |
LAS/Communication, Humanities & Art: | Sarah Quirk, Lilia Mendoza, and Danielle Hardesty |
LAS/Science & Math: | Steve Kifowit |
LAS/Social Sciences: | Elior Iseli and Heather LaCost |
Office of Learning Outcomes and Curriculum: | Chadd Engel and Terry Lyons |
Interested in becoming an OAC member? Contact an Outcomes Assessment Liaisons for more information:
Lilia Mendoza, Professor of Foreign Language lmendoza@waubonsee.edu
Marjie Schoolfield, Associate Professor of Nursing mschoolfield@waubonsee.edu
AY24 OAC Meetings
September 10
September 24
October 15
October 29
November 12
January 28
February 11
February 18
March 4
April 8
April 29