Are you frustrated trying to figure out how to get your students interested in your courses?  Do you seem to find yourself looking into a sea of blank expressions on your students?  Is the notion of reading about pedagogy daunting to you?  Are you struggling with how to design an effective online class?  Then, please consider signing up for the next Cohort of the smashingly successful ACUE course in Effective Teaching Practices! 

All faculty who participate in ACUE’s (Association of College and University Educators) Effective Teaching Practices course can earn a Certificate in Effective College Instruction, endorsed by the American Council on Education (ACE).

What courses make up ACUE's Certificate in Effective College Instruction?

View course dates and register on our Events Page. If you don't see the course you are looking for, please contact us at

Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Learning Environment

Course Modules:

  • Leading the First Day of Class
  • Promoting a Civil Learning Environment
  • Ensuring Equitable Access to Learning
  • Helping Students Persist in Their Studies
  • Embracing Diversity in Your Classroom
  • Checking for Student Understanding
  • Providing Useful Feedback
Promoting Active Learning

Course Modules:

  • Developing Effective Class Sessions and Lectures
  • Teaching Powerful Note-Taking Skills
  • Using Groups to Ensure Active Learning
  • Using the Active Learning Cycle
  • Planning Effective Class Discussions
  • Facilitating Engaging Class Discussions
Inspiring Inquiry and Preparing Lifelong Learners

Course Modules:

  • Motivating Your Students
  • Providing Clear Directions and Explanations
  • Using Concept Maps and Other Visualization Tools
  • Using Student Achievement and Feedback to Improve Your Teaching
  • Using Advanced Questioning Techniques
  • Developing Self-Directed Learners
Designing Learner-Centered and Equitable Courses

Course Modules:

  • Ensuring Learner-Centered Course Outcomes
  • Designing Aligned Assessments and Assignments
  • Aligning Learning Experiences with Course Outcomes
  • Creating Equity with Checklists and Rubrics
  • Developing Equitable Grading Practices
  • Preparing an Inclusive Syllabus
Cohort Structure

Cohorts 1 through 4 completed the 25-week Effective Teaching Practices Course that included all four of the 6- to 7-week courses (listed above).

Cohort 5 (2023 to 2024) included these same courses, but there were 4 entry points. This means participants could choose when to start the program, and complete the program over a longer period of time (if desired). Courses were also spaced farther apart to provide a grace periods between courses for course takers to catch up.

  1. Promoting Active Learning (start date September 5, 2023)
  2. Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Learning Environment (start date October 30, 2023)
  3. Inspiring Inquiry and Preparing Lifelong Learners (start date January 29, 2024)
  4. Designing Learner-Centered and Equitable Courses (start date March 25, 2024)

Cohort 6 and after (2024 - Current) 

Waubonsee returned to the original structure of completing the 25-week Effective Teaching Practices Course that included all four of the 6- to 7-week courses.

Course Structure and Administration 
Red and white starburst with CANVAS in red lettering and the words By Instructure in black font

Great news! Courses are completed through ACUE Canvas shells. After you register, you will receive an invitation to join this Canvas course shell via email. ❗Please Note: ACUE courses are NOT accessible through your Waubosnee Canvas account on mywcc❗ 

Courses are facilitated by a team of professionals from ACUE and Waubonsee. Check out how each ACUE Role supports your learning and success.

Even MORE Benefits!

Full-time Faculty will also earn 3 Graduate Course Equivalency Credits (GCECs) which may apply towards columnar advancement. Additionally, the optional Fundamentals of Teaching and Learning Graduate Course includes 6 additional assignments to the regular class work that you will need to complete, and comes with an addition 3 GCEC credits.

Adjunct Faculty that earn ACUE's Certificate in Effective College Instruction will have completed the largest piece of AQMP towards Tier Advancement!

Still Not Convinced? Watch the video of a panel discussion with Cohort 1 ACUE course takers during the Spring 2020 Faculty Development Days and other recorded ACUE sessions Here 🎥.