All learning pathways should provide equivalent experiences and lead to the same learning outcomes. A well-designed Flex class provides meaningful learning experiences and opportunities for students. It should develop and support students' abilities to practice adult learning styles. Academic Continuity can also be maintained, even during disruptions of normal campus operations due to weather incidents or health crises.
Flex course learning outcomes should be modality-independent. In carefully planned classes, assessments will always align with course and module outcomes, though challenges may arise from different course delivery methods. If an assessment instrument was originally developed for F2F, some modifications may be needed. It is best to avoid different times or places approaches. An online test with random but equivalent test questions may be considered. There are many alternatives to traditional tests such as observations, essays, interviews, etc. Authentic assessments can assess a student's ability to effectively use their knowledge and skills to complete a task.
Equivalency does not necessarily mean equality. Asynchronous discussion is typically less engaging and interactive than discussions that took place in a face-to-face classroom. Requiring Online students to continue the same topic using the Discussion Board is a poor learning design, especially after the class recording is made available. Instead, we may consider challenging students to share their experience and apply the ideas after reflecting upon the learning content. This type of interaction engages students and maintains academic excellence and rigor.
Different instructional methods (e.g. direct instruction, independent study, collaborative learning) may facilitate students' learning in different modalities. While course resources should be planned for all delivery modes, adding supplemental resources for each modality could be helpful. This will provide additional opportunities for everyone as all students can take advantages of these resources.
Equivalent learning experiences for different modalities leading to the same learning outcome may be one of the most difficult tasks for Flex delivery. Thus, it is important to evaluate student performance frequently and compare with your expectations. Summarizing the results, identifying the needs, and making changes continuously will ensure student success regardless of their learning pathways.