Every new Full-Time faculty member to Waubonsee Community College is invited to attend a personalized New Faculty Orientation designed and produced by the Faculty Development and Engagement Office. These 1 to 3 day meetings are designed to present to the new faculty the key information they will need to be an effective and successful faculty member as they start their full-time teaching career at Waubonsee Community College. The length and timing of each orientation is tailored to the needs of the new faculty and the resources that are available. Invited presentations from administrators and employees cover key facets of the College, such as it’s mission and vision, the status and structure of Education Affairs, the role of diversity and inclusiveness in teaching, library resources, registration and reporting requirements, introduction to key software, and a specialized orientation with Human Resources.
New Faculty Orientations have been offered as both full-day and two-day sessions.
After completing New Faculty Orientation, new faculty will:
- Recognize their role and responsibilities within the larger framework of the college
- Understand how to perform fundamental tasks related to instruction (such as finding their course schedule, recording attendance, and submitting grades)
- Understand the college’s commitment to equity and inclusion, especially as these relate to teaching and learning
- Be able to access and use technology necessary for instruction (such as email, calendar, Canvas, and software programs related to their discipline or program)