Alternative Format Downloads
Alternative Format Engagements (⬆️4,334)
Alternative Format Downloads (⬆️3,424)
Alternative Format Conversions
Download Type | Number of Conversions |
Braille | 21 (⬆️9) |
ePub | 106 (⬆️66) |
HTML | 1,829 (⬆️1,005) |
OCR'd PDF | 89 (⬆️49) |
Tagged PDF | 3,004 (⬆️1,778) |
Audio | 99 (⬆️57) |
Top 10 Accessibility Items
Issue | Occurrences |
Documents with low contrast | 7,601 (⬇️415, -0.87%) |
Documents containing images with no description | 7,178 (⬇️685, -1.44%) |
Documents with no headers | 6,028 (⬇️590, -1.24%) |
Documents with no title | 4,908 (⬇️527, -1.11%) |
Images with no description | 4,532 (⬆️192, +0.40%) |
Untagged Documents | 3,183 (⬇️337, -0.71%) |
The document does not have a language set | 3,159 (⬇️445, -0.94%) |
Documents containing tables with no headers | 2,710 (⬇️292, -0.62%) |
Heading starts at wrong level | 1,430 (⬆️958, +2.02%) |
Scanned with no OCR | 1,295 (⬇️174, -0.37%) |